Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Festering Odor Of Sulfuric Acid - 1711 Words

Upon entering the village of DePue, IL, one may ponder about the festering odor of sulfuric acid in the air that clashes with the scenic view of a serene lake surrounded by wooded land. The main street of DePue is lined with locally owned businesses, along with abandoned, crumbling buildings. The community members of this village may either smile and wave at a passer-by, or glare at you with an off-putting facial expression. Despite the confusing impression a non-resident or visitor might form, DePue has an interesting history. DePue is home to about 1,800 residents whom are devoted to preserving the traditions that this community has to offer. I am quite familiar with the village of Depue, because my grandparents have lived here for nearly 50 years. My grandfather, Walter Ivan, used to own a barber shop on the main street for nearly 35 years, until he passed away in February of this year. He was well-known in this community, and was recognized by his fellow community members for hi s generous personality and contagious laughter. My grandfather executed willingness to learn Spanish, in order to better communicate with the mainly Hispanic community members, as well as learn about their culture. He also was a member of the Depue Booster Club and the Depue Men’s Club. He strongly believed in being an active member of Depue, and always encouraged me to do the same in my hometown. My grandmother, Dorothy Ivan, is an active member of the church in Depue, and is always

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